Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013

Erste Version des Servers

Letzten Freitag Abend ist die erste Version des Servers online gegangen. Der Server unterstützt seitdem den Großteil der festgelegten API (es fehlt nur noch die Statistik, welche diese Woche folgt). Der Server ist in Ruby geschrieben und benutzt als Datenbank Redis. Er läuft auf der PAAS Heroku unter der Domain http://dncts.herokuapp.com

Der Code wurde testgetrieben entwickelt: Die Unit-Tests sind mit Hilfe des RSpec Frameworks geschrieben, die Acceptance Tests mit Cucumber und Faraday.

Hier nun der Stand der API – den aktuellen Stand gibt es immer hier.


A request is always a JSON Object with the given types (`lobby_id`, `game_state` etc.) as the key and a value as described in the section **Data Types**. A section of an URL beginning with colons has to be replaced by a value in the form described in the section **Data Types**. The response section of the routes always describes the success and failure case, each with the according Status Code and the body (if there is any). A failure will always have a body as JSON object with a key `failure` and a String value with the description of the error.

## Data Types

We define a number of data types which are represented via JSON.

### Identifier

`id`, `lobby_id`, `player_id`, `vertex_a_id` and `vertex_b_id` are all represented as Strings. Only use IDs provided by the server.

### Geo Position

`lat` and `long` are both represented as Strings (and are the String representation of a Java `Double`).

### Name

`player_name` and `lobby_name` are represented as Strings and may only contain upper- and lowercase letters and numbers.

### Lobby Arrays

`lobbies` is an array, each element has the following attributes:

* `id`
* `lobby_name`

### Player

`player` is a JSON Object with the following attributes:

* `id` (as described above)
* `lat` (as described above)
* `lon` (as described above)

### Vertex

`vertex` is a JSON Object with the following attributes:

* `id` (as described above)
* `lat` (as described above)
* `lon` (as described above)
* `carrier`: Either "" (if carried by no one) or a `player\_id` (as described above)

### Game State

`game_state` is a JSON Object with the following attributes:

* `vertices` is an Array, each element is a `vertex` (as described above)
* `players` is an Array, each element is a `player` (as described above)
* `is_finished` is a Boolean

### Game Statistics

`game_statistics` is a JSON Object with the IDs of all players as keys, each has an object with the following keys as its value:

* `distance`: Number
* `different_vertices_touched`: Number
* `total_vertices_touched`: Number

### Game

`game` is a JSON Object with the following attributes:

* `vertices` is an Array, each element has the following attributes:
    * `id` (as described above)
    * `lat` (as described above)
    * `lon` (as described above)
    * `portable`: Either true or false
    * `carrier`: Either "" (if carried by no one) or a `player\_id` (as described above)
* `edges` is an Array, each element has the following attributes:
    * `vertex_a_id` (as described above)
    * `vertex_b_id` (as described above)
    * `color`: A String
* `players` is an Array, each element has the following attributes:
    * `id` (as described above)
    * `player_name` (as described above)
    * `lat` (as described above)
    * `lon` (as described above)
* `is_started` is a Boolean

### Player Statistics

`player_statistics` is a JSON Object with the following attributes:

* `distance`: Number
* `different_vertices_touched`: Number
* `total_vertices_touched`: Number

### Graph

`graph` is a JSON Object with the following attributes:

* `vertices` is an Array, each element has the following attributes:
    * `id` (as described above)
    * `lat` (as described above)
    * `lon` (as described above)
    * `portable`: Either true or false
* `edges` is an Array, each element has the following attributes:
    * `vertex_a_id` (as described above)
    * `vertex_b_id` (as described above)
    * `color`: A String

## Routes

We define a number of routes to post to and get information from the server.

### POST: `/update`

Updates the position of the player and the vertex he or she carries.

#### Request

* player
* vertex

#### Response

* Success: 204
* Failure: 500

### GET: `/currentGameState/:lobby_id`

Get the current game state for the given lobby.

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9292/currentGameState/1212ffa11

#### Response

* Success: 200, body: GameState
* Failure (e.g. game was not started yet): 500

### POST: `/finishGame`

Marks the game as finished.

#### Request

* lobby\_id

#### Response

* Success: 204
* Failure: 500

### GET: `/game/:lobby_id`

Get all information about a game (including players, edges).

#### Response

* Success: 200, body: Game
* Failure: 500

### POST: `/lobby`

Create a new lobby with a given name

#### Request

* lobby_name

#### Response

* Success: 201, body: lobby\_id
* Failure (e.g. Lobby with this name already exists): 500

### POST: `/player`

Create a new player with a given name.

#### Request

* player_name

#### Response

* Success: 201, body: player\_id
* Failure (e.g. A player with this name already exists): 500

### POST: `/joinLobby`

Let a player with a certain ID join a certain lobby.

#### Request

* lobby\_id
* player\_id

#### Response

* Success: 204
* Failure (e.g. Lobby does not exist): 500

### GET: `/lobbies`

Get all available lobbies.

#### Response

* Success: 200, body: lobbies
* Failure: 500

### POST: `/game`

Start a game for a certain lobby with a given graph.

#### Request

* lobby\_id
* graph

#### Response

* Success: 204
* Failure (e.g. the game was already started): 500

### POST: `/leaveLobby`

Remove a player from a certain lobby.

#### Request

* lobby\_id
* player\_id

#### Response

* Success: 204
* Failure: 500

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